

Oil on canvas


Portrait of Samuel Foote (1721 - 1777)

Reynolds, Joshua (1723-92)

This picture is Reynolds’ original although four other versions are known which seem to be copies. The sitter is represented with his walking stick which suggests that the date of the picture should be 1767, the year after a riding accident which caused the loss of one of his legs. A great deal is known about the vicissitudes of the sitter’s theatrical career. At the time of the painting of the picture Foote had bought and refurbished the new Haymarket Theatre. Towards the end of his career, as his success increased, Foote satirised the Duchess of Kingston in his play The Siege of Calais. This was followed by a period of uncertainty which culminated in a trial on a charge of indecency brought by one of his servants, although Foote was acquitted.

Schorr Collection, UK / © The Schorr Collection / Bridgeman Images

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