

Oil on panel



Schöpfer, Hans, the Elder (c.1505-69)

The subject of the Pentecost is relatively rare in sixteenth century painting and in this instance, the biblical story from the Acts of the Apostles is not strictly adhered to. In this painting, the Virgin is placed at the centre of the composition even though she does not appear in the Biblical text. The Virgin symbolised the Church itself, which had its beginnings in the Descent of the Holy Ghost into the Apostles, who were given the ability to speak any language. The Holy Ghost itself is symbolised in the Trinity in the upper part of the picture, God the Father, God the Son, and the Dove symbolising the Holy Ghost itself. The painting is a curious mixture of styles, as the poses and rich colours of the figures are still reminiscent of the late medieval tradition in German painting. The architecture on the other hand is strictly Renaissance, symbolising Jerusalem.

Schorr Collection, UK / © The Schorr Collection / Bridgeman Images

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