

Oil on panel


The Assumption of the Virgin

Rubens, Peter Paul (1577-1640)

The subject of the Assumption of the Virgin was based on the medieval Golden Legend and was not derived from any scriptural source. ‘As the Apostles were sitting by the Virgin’s tomb on the third day, Christ appeared to them with St. Michael who brought him the Virgin’s soul.  And anon the soul came again to the body of Mary, and issued gloriously out of the tomb, and was thus received in the heavenly chamber and a great company of angels with her’.  Rubens adopted this traditional account almost to the letter, although in this instance the whole composition is only visible in the complete Modello in the Royal Collection.  This spirited sketch can be dated on stylistic grounds to the surprisingly early date of c1608, based on comparison with the very similar sketch in the Liechtenstein collection, Vienna.

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Schorr Collection, UK / © The Schorr Collection / Bridgeman Images

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