

Oil on canvas


St. Gregory the Great (540 - 604)

Vignon, Claude (1593-1670)

St. Gregory the Great is known in the English speaking world as the Pope who sent St. Augustine of Canterbury to convert the pagan Anglo-Saxons of Kent to Christianity in 597.  As Pope, he had great administrative ability in a time of political turmoil owing to the collapse of Roman authority.  He also emphasised the achievements of the earlier doctors of the Church, especially the writings of St. Augustine of Hippo and St. Ambrose both of whom had worked more than one hundred years earlier. A great number of St. Gregory the Great writings survive including no fewer than 854 letters. The Saint is shown wearing an elaborate embroidered cope but without the inclusion of his Papal tiara.

Schorr Collection, UK / © The Schorr Collection / Bridgeman Images

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